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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I look behind to trace the way,
That I have traversed to this day.

I feel the love, I feel the pain,
Sunshine flirting with the rain.

In the crowd I walk alone,
Some faces known, some unknown.

I seek the hearts where I belong,
Shrug the others and walk along.

I hear a silent, deafening scream,
The careless murder of a dream.

I chase some thoughts gone astray,
Then sing a note and walk away.

A faded value, a mellowed pride,
Somewhere down, I toss aside.

A faith preserved to fulfil...
An intense prayer, a virgin will.

The gentle curve, the sudden twist,
Bring me to an endless mist.

I gaze ahead, and what I see
Is a changing vision called destiny.

I see a light in the mess,
And feel an invisible caress.

I shake my head and look around,
Someone lost or yet to be found?

Then all at once by divine chance
The waves beckon to join their dance.

The gentle swell, the high, the low,
The rhythm cajoles, and then I know ...
Time or space there has been never,
Between this moment and forever.

I hear the heartbeat of the earth,
The raison d’ĂȘtre of my birth.

I celebrate with the stars above,
Life and death and joy and love.

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